
Tea and Timber

A five person group project assigned to make a teahouse on a slope out of 100% used and recycled cardboard. Built and designed over the span of around 2.5 months. I was assigned as team leader, my main job being to make a scheduler to ensure all parts would be built by deadline. Our group maintained clear communication and each group member had a great idea to contribute.

The Echo House

Given the State and Olsen site, students were asked to come up with their own design for an affordable 9 resident household that is roughly 2-3 thousand square feet. In our deliverables we used Rhino 7, Photoshop, and Illustrator to develop our original design over the span of 2.5 months. This was a partner project, Mia Burton and I split the work and each averaged around 200 hours on this project. We worked together on each program used.

The Candela Project

A model of the recreation of the Hotel Casino de la Selva Restaurant by Felix Candela. The model was first recreated in Rhino 7 by using a dimensional blueprint and rebuilt in 3D, then transformed into drawing sections, views, and elevations. Then using the Rhino model, Lumion, and Photoshop to create a realistic and abstract render of the design. The rendering portion of the project was done in a team of 4 with Mia Burton, Milena Sandoval, Sophia Ferro and I. My portion of work focused on all of the Lumion rendering. Rhino elevations and views were done individually by myself.

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Copyright © Nyah Peterson